We all do it, we buy tons of clothes and just shove them in our wardrobe, hoping they will fit. However, this is no way to live! Here are our top 5 favourite tips on how you can organise your wardrobe. 

Start With One Big Clear-out

If you are struggling to fit everything into your wardrobe, then the chances are that you could do with having a massive clear-out. Go through every piece item you own and put them in the following categories: sell, donate, put in storage, or bin. Having a clear-out does not mean automatically throwing everything in the bin. You can sell or donate a pile of clothing and if you have some things that you do not want to get rid of but are not wearing currently i.e., holiday clothes or seasonal clothes, then you can always put these clothes in storage. At Storage Trafford, we offer a free collections and removals service which covers a 60-mile radius around the Trafford area. If you decide to store with us, we know storage can be expensive which is why we offer you 50% off your first 9 weeks, which will save you a lot of money in the long run. 

Image of 2 piles of clothes, 1 with a keep sign and the other with a donate sign

Store Your Occasion Wear Separately

This goes for holiday clothes too. You can store your occasion and holiday clothes separately, as occasion dresses and suits take up a lot of room in your wardrobe, and holiday clothes also take up a lot of unnecessary room. Pack these items away carefully, if you have suitcases, pack them in here and store them in a spare cupboard or under your bed. Ensure the box or suitcase is clearly labelled so you know exactly what is in there. 

Image of occasion clothes hanging on a clothing rail

Use The Space Above Your Wardrobe

 This tip is great if you do not have floor-to-ceiling wardrobes, if you have enough of a gap, you can buy some nice baskets, store extra clothes in them and store them in the space above your wardrobe. 

Image of empty wardrobe

Sort Your Clothing Into Categories

Now that you have narrowed down your wardrobe, you want to make it easier to decide what to wear daily. Separating your clothes into categories, for example, dresses, jeans, t-shirts, etc will make it easier to fit everything back into your wardrobe. If you have rails, shorter items can go at the top and longer items such as dresses and maxi skirts can go on one side so they are not squished in and will not get wrinkled. Since trousers and jeans are a bit bulkier so can sometimes be a struggle to fit into drawers, try folding them in half and hanging them with velvet non-slip hangers. If you want to go the extra mile and organise your clothes in coloured categories. Divide them into their colour sets i.e., black, white, pink, browns, greens, etc. This will also make it easier for you to find matching clothes when you are in a rush to get ready. 

Image of clothes being folded and organised

Store Your Shoes Neatly

A lot of us just throw our shoes and pile them up at the bottom of our wardrobes. However, if you store them correctly, you will create a tidier wardrobe. How you choose to store your shoes depends on the size of your wardrobe. When it comes to organising shoes, you can make the most of the vertical space and use a hanging shoe organiser or an over-the-door shoe organiser, or if you wish you can make the most of your floor space by storing your shoes in stackable boxes. 

Image of shoe organisation

There you have it, our top 5 tips when it comes to organising your wardrobe. As we previously mentioned, if you would like to rent a storage space, then please contact us at Storage Trafford and we can find a storage unit perfect for you and your needs.